Grants Management Resources
Grants Management Resources
Annual Single Audit Information
Slides prepared by Jason Block, MD, MPH and presented at the 12/15/222 DPM Faculty meeting
Delegating and Canceling Reports in Oracle
Instructions on how to transfer (delegate) certification responsibility to another person
OSP Grants Manager Portfolio
Investigator Handbook
A how-to manual for investigators conducting research at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
A list of contacts for questions related to grants management, research and compliance, DPM finances, clinical income, training, communications, IT, and HIPAA
A glossary for commonly-used terms and acronyms at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
Registering for eCommons Instructions
Information on how to register on the NIH eCommons
Travel & In-Person Business Activity Request: Quick Reference Guide
Information on how to request approval for or approve/reject an in-person business activity/travel request
Application Resources
Boilerplate description of the research environment at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. This boilerplate may be used in grant applications and may be edited to fit local circumstances.
Excel Spreadsheet with formulas that calculate your staff’s cost sharing over multi grant years by inputting the staff members salary and percent effort on a project.
Forms Needed From Subrecipients
Forms needed for including subrecipients in grant submissions
Hardware/software/ASP (Application Service Provider) approval process
Hardware/software/ASP (Application Service Provider) approval and purchasing process.
Information for HPHC Applications
Useful information regarding the Office of Sponsored Programs and research grants management at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care/ Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, including official contact information, official signatory on applications, fringe benefit %, F&A rate, federal salary cap, Institute rent, HPHC DUNS number, and other relevant information.
The NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS) makes available, in a single document, the policy requirements that serve as the terms and conditions of NIH grant awards.